With a vast career of 22 years, Rohit Jainendra Jain worked as an Educational Consultant, Mentor, Motivator and Industry Strategist. As a young man, he knew he had to fulfil his passion. He always wanted to be an entrepreneur. His father told him it would be difficult to set up an enterprise but he continued to believe that he would be able to successfully achieve his aspiration. He overcame all the problems and emerged victor by setting up many successful business entities with his determination and hard work.
He knew that moving towards his dreams and fulfilling them were important to him so he never gave up, always relentless in his endeavours. Though there were hurdles at each stride but that was a part of the game. Resolve and inspiration to keep going were what mattered to him.
About RJJ
- Residence: INDIA
- Address: Faridabad, Haryana
- Phone:
- E-mail: info@rjj.org.in